Imagining Excellence
with System Thinking

There is a different way to see and think about complex systems and learning organizations, a way that lives at the intersection of natural laws, proven operational excellence, and a deep respect for humanity.

[ Our System ]

Innovative System Thinking for Organizational Success

who we are

We are a multigenerational team that partners with executives and leaders in any industry who are interested in re-imagining what is possible and for whom traditional strategies are not achieving desired results.

what we offer

We offer a learning journey for leaders to develop eyes to see the ideal state amidst chaos, find simplicity from complexity and enable radical collaboration across organizational siloes.

how we work

Systems in nature, out of necessity, have evolved to be incredibly agile and efficient learning entities in the face of constantly changing environments. We model our work around the very same natural systems to create learning organizations that are self-organizing, self-diagnosing, and self-adjusting.

[ Who we are ]

Transforming Organizations with System Thinking

Our Vision
At Eyes to See, we envision a world where societies leverage the power of human-centered system thinking to achieve excellence and unlock human potential.
Our Mission
To spark curiosity and inspire innovation by bringing the science of human-centered system thinking to everyone.
Our Philosophy
Inspired by nature’s intrinsic wisdom, our philosophy is rooted in system thinking. We guide organizations to find simplicity within complexity, fostering agility, efficiency, and innovation.

The Roots of Our Commitment


We build on the premise that humans have unlimited potential.


We hold ourselves accountable and conduct our work with integrity.


We trust the process of principle-based system thinking and do not take shortcuts.


We welcome everyone to learn and embrace the process together.


We believe these ideas should be accessible to all who seek them.

[ What We Offer ]

From Concept to Reality

Breakthrough Education

Courses, Experiential Learning, Immersive Workshops

Sensei Services

Personalized and Customized Support During Your Learning Journey

Events and Retreats

Rejuvenation, Camaraderie, Shared Learning


Breakthrough Leadership: Imagining Excellence with Innovative System Thinking

Discover innovative insights and proven strategies to achieve breakthrough innovation and excellence in your organization or industry. Through a series of interactive and transformative experiences you will learn about the philosophy, leadership framework, and practical strategies that have been the foundation of exceptional industry leaders in safety, culture, and performance.


Hardness Principle-Based Rules
for Decentralized Problem
Solving and Innovation

There is a proven set of rules that govern how work is designed, performed, connected and improved to continuously understand and meet an organization’s need.

These principles mimic nature’s adaptive learning systems, and, when deployed in the right organizational structure, allow for rapid, decentralized problem solving and innovation without tradeoffs regarding quality, cost, and time.


Cultivate Human Potential
Through Purposeful Mentorship

We build on the premise that humans have unlimited potential, and that everyone yearns to make a meaningful contribution to the world through their work.

Our model of human development leans heavily on experimental learning and purposeful caring and mentoring.


Foster a Dynamic
Problem-Solving Culture

Your organization can grow a dynamic, adoptive problem-solving culture wherein your people are engaged, learning, and thriving.




Every human being wants to make a meaningful contribution to the world, but rare is the organization that centers human learning and growth. Fortunately, there are models that show how building a learning engine at its core only improves an organization's ability to fulfill its mission and add value – especially in unpredictable, ever-changing environments.

Vickie Pisowicz, MBA, MPP

Meaningful change in healthcare won't come from new technology implementation alone. It will come from educating healthcare leaders to think differently about organizational excellence. By embracing the principles of system thinking, healthcare systems can drive sustainable improvements that translate directly to better patient outcomes.

Ramy Khalil, MD

Embracing system thinking transforms complexity into opportunity. It's about seeing the whole picture and unlocking potential.

Andra Finnegan, MHA

How many people yearn to work at the top of their game but feel trapped in rigid systems and bureaucracies that hem them in and slow them down? We teach organizational models that live, breathe and respond in ways that harness human creativity in every corner.

Tania Lyon, PhD

Leaders are not born, they are made. Rigorous research has identified the traits and values of the best leaders. By living and breathing these traits and values, effective leaders inspire teams to imagine excellence and achieve lofty goals. We aim to train informal and formal leaders to be the very best they can be.

David Lassman, MBA